(崔宜春,张小珍 译,杨蓝 校)
(利兹华人社区和位于Otley 的Prince Henry’s Grammar School 的专科语言学校合办)
1.1 学校全称“利兹市普通话中文学校” (Leeds Community Mandarin Chinese School) (简称“中文学校”) 。
3. 会员
4.1教师由Prince Henry’s Grammar School (简称“PHGS ” ) 指定和聘用。薪水由“PHGS ” 直接支付,并决定时薪标准。教师人数取决于中文学校学生人数。取决于政府的继续资助(特别学校项目),但至少在2008年8月前,如果学生人数不少于45人,“PHGS”将聘用至少5名,至多6名教师。
5. 教师组长
5.1需指定一名教师为组长,负责前线教学,教师管理,与教学内容等事宜,并与校管会一起工作。(参见附录1 “中文学校教师组长”)
6. 校管会
6.2校管会的工作是促进教师,学生和家长的关系,确保中文学校日常管理和长期发展计划,并且与“PHGS” 的政策和计划同步。(参见附录2 “校管会的作用和责任”) 。
7. 校舍
7.1中文学校是利兹教育局(Education Leeds)承认的“青年自愿者组织” 。PHGS负责每年为中文学校重新申请注册
7.2作为一家青年自愿者组织,根据利兹教育局“社区使用政策” ,中文学校可以租用社区校舍。PHGS负责每年向“Little London Community Primary School”申请租用校舍。青年自愿者组织可以免费租用校舍。
8. 家长联系
8.1所有给家长的书面信件,需有中英文两种,且需主席或副主席(主席缺席情况下) 和第二人(如教师组长或会计等)签名。
9. 年会
10. 会议
11. 财务
12. 解体
12.1开会通知至少提前21个 工作日送达中文学校的全体成员,会议中只要占出席中文学校全体会议三分之二以上的成员投票表决通过,中文学校即可解体。大会决议可以就中文学校拥有或者在 中文学校名下的一切财产在学校解体后的处置作出说明,譬如,如果在中文学校的正常债务偿清以后仍有剩余财产,所剩财产将不用来分配给中文学校的成员,而是 把它们移交或过户给其他一些与慈善委员会或其授权部门有着相似目的的慈善机构。
本章程于2005 年 4 月 14 日经不少于三分之二的中文学校成员表决通过,作为利兹市普通话中文学校的章程开始生效
Leeds Community Mandarin Chinese School
A community initiative based on a partnership between the Chinese community and Prince Henry’s Grammar School Specialist Language College, Otley
1. Name
1.1 The organisation shall be named as “Leeds Community Mandarin Chinese School” (hereafter referred to as “the Chinese School”).
2. Objectives
2.1 To provide teaching, encouragement and support to children and young people to enable them to gain understanding and knowledge about Chinese language and culture.
2.2 To help children and young people towards emotional stability to develop their talents and gain self-esteem and confidence.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership shall be open to all parents whose children enrol at the Chinese School.
4. Teaching Staff
4.1 The teaching staff shall be appointed and employed by Prince Henry’s Grammar School Specialist Language College, Otley (hereafter referred to as “PHGS”). Salaries shall be paid directly by PHGS, who shall take sole responsibility for determining the rate of pay. The number of teaching staff shall depend on the number of pupils enrolled at the school. Provided that numbers on roll do not fall below forty five, PHGS shall employ at least five but no more than six teachers until at least July 2008, subject to continued Government funding (Specialist Schools Grant).
4.2 Teaching staff shall be employed from 1.00pm to 3.00pm every Saturday during term time. In addition, they shall be employed to attend a staff meeting from 3.00pm to 4.00pm once each month. On alternate months, the Management Committee shall join this meeting.
5. Lead Teacher
5.1 One member of the teaching staff shall be designated as the Lead Teacher, to take responsibility for the line management of teaching staff, and to oversee all matters pertaining to teaching and learning, working alongside a designated member of the Management Committee (See Appendix 1 “Chinese School Lead Teacher: Role and Responsibilities”).
6. Management Committee
6.1 There shall be a Management Committee, consisting of at least five but no more than seven members elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for a term of one year.
6.2 It shall be the duty of the Management Committee to support staff, children and parents in relation to teaching and learning, and to ensure both the day-to-day management and longer-term strategic direction of the Chinese School in line with the guidelines and policies of PHGS. (See Appendix 2 “Management Committee: Role and Responsibilities”).
6.3 Members of the Management Committee shall take specific roles, including that of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Teaching and Learning representative. Where there are more than five members, additional specific areas of focus may include Cultural Activities, Parent Support and Attendance.
6.4 The terms “Headteacher” and “Deputy Headteacher” must not be used under any circumstances to refer to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Management Committee.
6.5 The Management Committee shall retire at the Annual General Meeting each year. Each member shall be eligible for re-election.
6.6 A casual vacancy in the Management Committee may be filled by an agreement between PHGS and the committee. Any person appointed shall hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Chinese School. Each such appointee shall, provided they are a member of the Chinese School, be eligible for election to the Management Committee.
6.7 Management Committee meetings shall be held monthly during term time. At such times as may be necessary, additional meetings of the Management Committee shall be called by the Chair or upon the written request of at least three other committee members, submitted to the Chair of the Management Committee. Notice of at least 1 week shall be given to each committee member in respect of such additional meetings.
6.8 The Assistant Headteacher: Language College, from PHGS, shall be invited to attend one Management Committee Meeting each term, and shall receive copies of the minutes of all Management Committee meetings.
6.9 All members of the teaching staff shall meet with the Management Committee on alternate months, in order to ensure close collaboration and good relationships between the two. This meeting shall take place immediately after the end of the teaching session, and must finish by 4.00pm. The Management Committee may choose to meet immediately prior to this, as normal.
7. Use of premises
7.1 The Chinese School is recognised by Education Leeds as a “voluntary youth organisation”. PHGS is responsible for applying to re-register the Chinese School for this status each year.
7.2 As a voluntary youth organisation, the Chinese School is entitled to hire Education premises and obtain a “directed letting”, subject to availability and to the terms of the Education Leeds “Community Use Policy”. PHGS is responsible for re-applying for the letting of rooms at Little London Community Primary School each year. There is no charge for a directed letting made to a voluntary youth organisation.
7.3 In accordance with the Community Use Policy, the Chinese School shall be liable for the cost of repairing any damage caused at the premises by members of the School.
8. Communication with parents
8.1 All written communication with parents shall be given in English and in Mandarin Chinese, and shall be signed by the Chair (or Vice-Chair in his/her absence), and jointly by a second person where appropriate (eg. the Lead Teacher, the Treasurer etc.).
9. Annual General Meeting
9.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Chinese School shall be held on the last Saturday in September or first Saturday in October each year. At least 2 weeks notice shall be given in writing by the Chair of the Management Committee to the members.
10. Meeting
10.1 The quorum at the meeting of the Chinese School shall be 25 or half of the numbers of the members thereof, whichever be the smaller.
10.2 The quorum at the meeting of the Management Committee shall be 4 or two-thirds of the members thereof whichever be the smaller.
10.3 All members of the Chinese School shall be entitled to vote on any question at meetings of the Chinese School.
10.4 In the case of an equality of votes at any meeting, the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.
11. Finance
11.1 The Chinese school shall have power to raise money by means of donations, gifts and fund raising events.
11.2 The Management Committee shall be responsible for raising money by means of an annual parental contribution. The Management Committee shall make clear the purpose of this contribution.
11.3 The Management Committee shall be responsible for money received and will produce an annual financial report at the end of the school calendar year, to be published to all members of the school.
11.4 The income and property of the Chinese School whence so ever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the aims of the Chinese School as set forth in this constitution.
11.5 No expenditure shall be incurred without the prior sanction of the Management Committee.
11.6 The financial year of the Chinese School shall run from the 1st of September to the 31st of August and at least in every year the account of the Chinese School shall be audited by one or more auditors.
11.7 PHGS is not responsible for, or involved in, the expenditure of the account managed by the Management Committee.
11.8 PHGS shall provide an annual sum of £400 to contribute towards the renewal of textbooks and the purchase of additional equipment. This account will remain separate from that used for the purposes of the parental contribution, and any other monies raised, and shall be held at PHGS. The Teaching and Learning representative of the Management Committee, in agreement with the Lead Teacher, should advise the Assistant Headteacher: Language College, from PHGS, when such expenditure is required.
12. Dissolution
12.1 The Chinese School may at any time be dissolved by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a meeting of the Chinese School of which at least 21 clear days notice shall have been set to all members of the Chinese school. Such resolution may give instruction for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the Chinese School, provided that if any property remains after the payment of proper debts and liabilities it shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Chinese School but shall be given or transferred to some other charitable institutions having objects similar to some or all of the objects of the charity commissioners or other authority having charitable jurisdiction.
13. Alterations to the constitution
13.1 Alterations to the constitution shall require the assent of not less than two-thirds of the members of the Chinese school present and voting at a meeting of the Chinese school. A resolution for the alteration of the constitution shall be received by the Chair at least 21 clear days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward. At least 14 clear days notice shall be given to each member and shall include notice of the alterations proposed. No alteration to Clause 2 shall be made without the consent of PHGS.
This constitution was adopted as the constitution of the Leeds Community Mandarin Chinese School, by not less than two-thirds of the members of the Chinese School voting on January 2005.
Signed: ……………………………………... Assistant Headteacher: Language College
Prince Henry’s Grammar School
Signed: …………………………………… Chair of Management Committee
Leeds Community Mandarin Chinese School
Leeds Community Mandarin Chinese School
CHINESE SCHOOL LEAD TEACHER: Roles and Responsibilities